Getting started with AI

From Rijksmuseum to PostNL and BAM, many companies are using our AI expertise. Together with our clients, we regularly implement artificial intelligence and machine learning in their existing and new products. Whether it is a smarter mobile app, a better search function or optimizing content creation: we believe that artificial intelligence is accessible and relevant for every organisation. Let us help you innovate with AI as well!

Get started with AI yourself

ChatGPT, generative AI, Large Language Models, Retrieval Augmented Generation, object detection, the speed at which AI is developing sometimes makes your head spin. Where do you start? Which data sources can you use? How do you make it applicable to your use case? And how do you stay ahead of competitors? By sharing insights from our projects, exploring practical applications together, and quickly prototyping ideas, we help organisations get started with AI step by step.

  • Presentation

    Get inspired

    Our AI engineers regularly give presentations for companies such as Sunweb, HEMA and Rijksmuseum. We provide insight into the impact of AI on digital products, inspiring examples from other organizations and concrete tools to get started. Whether it concerns product managers, developers or content creators, after this presentation they can get started with AI tools themselves!

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  • Workshop

    Take concrete first steps

    After a talk about the possibilities, challenges and pitfalls of AI, we will discuss the concrete applications for your organization in this masterclass. Through a brainstorming session we collect innovative ideas that we classify according to feasibility and production quality. After this tailor-made training, you and your colleagues can develop an initial strategy and roadmap yourself.

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  • Jumpstart

    Validate your AI idea with a prototype

    In addition to tips and advice, our AI experts also help validate business ideas by testing their technical feasibility. Inb one week we build a working prototype together. We immediately test this with end users and pitch it to stakeholders. With such a proof-of-concept we make the complicated clear and the vague concrete: afterwards you know what is needed to realize your AI case.

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"Amazing collaboration between Q42 and Fabrique, transforming a concept into a viable creation in such a short time. This impressive beginning, with potential for OCR, summarization, and enhanced metadata, leaves me truly shocked."

Pedro Germano Leal, Associate Director for Digital Asset Management, John Carter Brown Library

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